Julian Weber

Choreographer and sculptor Julian Weber presents a video edit of a live work that examines possibilities of encounter and intimacy. 

SOFTWARE is situated in a collaged landscape, a sensory archipelago, in which a group of players mold the space and its containing materials and are retrospectively influenced by the agency of these materials, which become players themselves. They translate and decode their states from liquid to gaseous, from soft to hard, and vice versa. The players look at possibilities of encounter and intimacy through distance. In the process, a network is created in which the players craft proximities, listen to boundaries, archive sensations, make material ancestors, pass on forms, and use these experiences as fuel for their dancing.

The format of SOFTWARE experiments with strategies of adapting the quality of attention and time of a durational live work to a digital space.



Listen to the mastered soundtrack: 



2020, Video 111’47”

The video documentation of the performance was presented at Ecology of Attention #3: Listening out Loud.

Curators Léna Szirmay-Kalos, Jasna Vinovrški
Conception, set, costume, dance Julian Weber
Dance Judith Förster, Ronald Berger, Justin Thesis Smith, Lyllie Rouvière, György Jellinek
Music Thomas Proksch
Musical contribution Fjóla Gautadóttir
Assistance Anne Wencelides

Julian Weber is a choreographer/dancer, visual artist, and set designer. He studied sculpture at HBK Brunswick and the Academy of Arts Vienna and choreography at HZT Berlin and the Theaterschool in Amsterdam. He works intensively on spaces of interaction involving the body, material, and movement. He collaborates with artists such as Meg Stuart, Boris Charmatz, and Tino Sehgal and creates his own work at the intersection of visual art and performance. In 2015, he received the Berlin Art Prize.


